Preventing Spam with Preventive e-mail confirmation

As we were developing one app based on Directus.Cloud. We discovered there is no such thing as email confirmation. There is a way but it needs to be customized and self-hosted Directus solution. Since this would be the only feature for this small project that would require us to change to self hosted vs cloud based. We decided to figure out a different way, and we came up with the idea of Pre-confirmed-email registration.

How normal email confirmation works

In the normal user registration usually you register a user, save it in the database and send the user to confirm their email address by clicking the link in the email. After clicking on the confirmation link, the user gets a new status of confirmed email. For the case of real user, this is working just fine. In the case of a bot registering on your site with brute force attack, you might experience a lot of bots registering on your website and none has confirmed email address, at first it might be nothing bad, but those are basically dead ones

Category: Development